weather in mauritius december

Weather in Mauritius in December: Ideal for Your Romantic Holiday?

Full disclosure, I had never heard of Mauritius until recently. Besides a passing glance on a map or hearing the country called during an Olympic ceremony introduction, it was never on my radar. But, I’m not kidding, one night I had a dream that my bestie (and travel partner) and I were on a cruise, and we got stranded at a bus stop…in Mauritius (of all places) trying to get to a beach. I swear it came out of left field! So what do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and have a crazy weird dream about a country you’ve never heard of? If you are like me…you start checking the weather in Mauritius in December, as you plan your next getaway!

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weather in mauritius december
proof of my travel inspiration at 3:47 am

Best Times To Travel To Mauritius?

The first thing I had to do was figure out when the best time to travel was. The island has a nice climate year-round with temperatures averaging 77 degrees—so honestly, you can’t pick a bad month. However, if you’re trying for the absolute nicest weather, aim for between April and June or September to December. These months let you avoid the extreme summer heat and the chillier winter air.

weather in mauritius december

Mauritius’ summer time runs from October through April. However, from December to March: it gets pretty humid, and you might run into some rain. Winter, from July to August, brings cooler nights and stronger winds. It’s also worth noting that depending on where you are on the island, the weather can feel quite different—cooler and wetter in the central highlands and warmer and drier on the northern and western shores. The east gets a fair bit of wind, especially in winter. So, choosing your spot based on what you plan to do can really make or break your vacation.

The Weather of Mauritius in December

In December, Mauritius is perfect beach holiday weather. So when I thought about it, it seemed like the perfect place to go if you are planning a unique trip with the family or looking for an exotic honeymoon location. During this month, daytime temperatures can slowly climb, perfect for lounging by the sea or exploring local markets.

weather in mauritius december

Why December Is a Great Time to Visit

Visiting Mauritius during the New Year season offers a special perk: less crowded beaches. This time of year allows for more secluded spots on the sand, perfect for couples seeking privacy and tranquility. The island also hosts a variety of events and local New Year festivities in December.

When my husband and I got married in December, we always hoped to celebrate our anniversary around the world by seeing how other countries and cultures celebrated the holidays so naturally, this is what made it shoot to the top of our list!

Things to Do In December in Mauritius

The next step in my travel planning is to make an itinerary. Here are the items I’d like to check off the list:

Day 1: Beach, Beach, Beach

  • Morning: Scuba diving or snorkeling trip off the coast of Trou aux Biches. The warm December waters are crystal clear, offering spectacular views of colorful coral reefs and bustling marine life.
  • Afternoon: After lunch, relax on the absolutely stunning beaches or have some fun in the water with jet skiing or paddle boarding. Or our favorite…ATV riding!
  • Evening: Enjoy a quiet dinner by the beach, tasting fresh seafood and local delicacies as you watch the sunset over the Indian Ocean.
weather in mauritius december

Itinerary Day 2: Exploration Time

  • Morning: Check out Black River Gorges National Park early in the morning for a guided hike.
  • Afternoon: Picnic near one of the park’s viewpoints. Spend the afternoon visiting the nearby Chamarel village to see the colored earths and the Chamarel waterfall.
  • Evening: Return to the hotel and unwind with a spa session. Mauritius has a ton of 5-star luxury resorts to choose from!
weather in mauritius december

Day 3: Cultural and Food!

  • Morning: Visit the capital city of Port Louis. Check out the market where you can buy souvenirs and local crafts. Visit the Blue Penny Museum to learn about the island’s colonial history.
  • Afternoon: Lunch in Port Louis, sampling Mauritian street food like Dholl puri or gateaux piment. After lunch, walk along the Caudan Waterfront, enjoying the shops and the atmosphere.
  • Evening: Take a cooking class to learn how to make traditional Mauritian cuisine!
weather in mauritius december

Itinerary Day 4: Leisure and Romance

  • Morning: Spend your last day relaxing at your resort. Enjoy the amenities or book a private cabana on the beach.
  • Afternoon: Take a catamaran cruise from Grand Baie.
  • Evening: Finish up with a romantic beachside dinner at a high-end restaurant in Grand Baie.

Weather in Mauritius December Packing Tips

When packing for Mauritius in December, be sure to include swimwear for water sports and lightweight clothing to stay comfortable. If you are looking to embrace the luxury holiday vibe, try for elegant beachwear that transitions smoothly from beach to cafe. Most importantly, you’ll want to respect the local culture. They tend to dress more conservatively…so leave the beachwear on the beach!

Don’t forget protective items such as a high SPF sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to shield you from the sun during those long days exploring the island’s stunning outdoor settings. Remember you are off the coast of Africa!

weather in mauritius december

Here Are Some Questions That Might Come Up About Mauritius

Where is Mauritius

Mauritius is an island nation located in the Indian Ocean off the southeast coast of Africa. It lies east of Madagascar and southeast of the Seychelles.

Which country owns Mauritius?

None, they gained their independence from the UK in 1968. They are now celebrated for their fair and frequent elections and a strong track record on human rights. Mauritius is one of the top spots in Africa for per capita income.

What language is spoken in Mauritius?

The most widely spoken is Mauritian Creole. This language is a blend of French and influences from various African languages, among others. English and French are also official languages, used in government and business.

How safe is Mauritius?

Mauritius is generally considered a safe destination for travelers. Like any popular tourist spot, it’s wise to keep an eye on your belongings and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas. But overall, the island is pretty peaceful, and locals are known for being warm and welcoming.

The Weather In Mauritius in December is Amazing…and I’m Headed There…Are You?

I absolutely love finding a new spot around the world to visit. I was shocked to learn so much about this beautiful island nation, and I can’t wait to check it off my travel list. The travel fairies were speaking to me in my dream world when they put its name in my dreams. Apparently, it is the most beautiful country I’ve never heard of. And now that I’ve heard about it…I’m hooked!

If you’d like us to book your own Mauritius getaway…book a call today!

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